I’m a full-stack engineer, with expertise in many areas of Software Engineering. I am a jack-of-all-trades, having programmed in most any language and environment over time to satisify my curiousity and needs. And I have become very well-versed in a few, thereamong C++, Python, C#, Objective-C and JavaScript. Lately I’ve been working on adding Swift to my repetoire.

I have an over-arching architectual viewpoint. And I always try to use the tools most appropriate for the task and business needs at hand. Often the correct soultion is the one the requires the least maintenance and suits the team the best.

Below is a simple expertise matrix. This is a non-exhaustive listing of my competence in different frameworks and programming environments. Many of the projects I have been working on are unfortunetly not pbulic. But in cases where I am at liberty I have linked an example or two.

Software Engineering Skills
Skill Level Example Projects
Web Development, HTML / CSS / JS Expert Too many to count
ES6 / React / Angular Expert val.digital, foreldreavtalen.no
C++ Expert Remere's Map Editor, OpenTibia
C# & Microsoft Technologies Advanced Non-public projects; Sharp Client
Ruby on Rails Advanced Non-public projects
OpenGL / Game programming Intermediate Remere's Map Editor, Sharp Client
PHP & Wordpress Advanced Several abandoned projects; rme.com
Python (Django, Tornado) Advanced Non-public projects
Lua Expert OpenTibia - revscriptsys
iOS Development Expert Currencer, Non-public projects
SQL (MySQL, Postgres and Oracle) Advanced Non-public projects
UX Advanced Non-public projects